Monday, March 9, 2009

Baby Shower

This past Saturday was my baby shower at the golf course in Newton. I couldn't have asked for a better day. While I am very exhausted, I am excited to start putting everything together and getting the nursery ready, which by the way Jason already started last night (I was sleeping!) I would like to thank everyone who came. It was so nice visiting with everyone. I would like to thank my mom and my aunts Julie and Geri for all their hard work in decorating and planning everything. It looked great! My friend Tiffany also had the cutest cards made that everyone filled out on their opinion of the characteristics of the baby. I spent a lot of time reading the cards and getting some name ideas:) Here are some pictures from the day!!

Quilt that my mom cute!!

Jean ( my godmother) and I
grandma and I

Close friends (and their babies)

Super cute diaper cake that Tiffany made


  1. Looking good Lindsey! You're on the countdown now that the shower is over!! Those boot flower arrangements were the cutest thing I've ever seen!

  2. I love the little green rainboot arrangements and the green and yellow quilt, too!

    When you get everything arranged I wish that you would let me include your nursery pics in my gallery to share with other moms....or you could enter it in our nursery pictures contest win a prize for your work?

    Here's the url where you would upload your pics

    Here's the gallery addy:

  3. Man, you already sent out thank you cards AND posted a blog. You're really making me look bad. I just started sorting through everything last night.
    I completely missed the boot bouquet at your shower- that is so darn cute! Could you to email me pics of the showers? I left my camera at home on accident. Can you believe the countdown is on? Oh my goodness....

  4. Congrats on the new "baby"! As I was scouring my favorite blogs, I found yours! You can catch up with our crazy life at
    Good too see you - you look great!
