Saturday, January 31, 2009

Per Tiffany's Request.....

So I decided I would post some pregnancy pics...

18 weeks

22 weeks

27 weeks

I am getting bigger by the day, instead of the week!! 13 more weeks to go!!


  1. You look so wonderful, can't wait for another one to follow.

  2. Thanks for the pics!!! You look great!!! I am so excited to meet the new little one!

  3. Hey there. Congrats and you look so awesome! Pregnancy is good to you! Just wanted to say HI and let you know that I've found your blog...
    If you can't figure out who I am, I'm a fellow Buck Grove Roadie and we share maiden names :) Hope you don't mind me following your blog!!

  4. Lindsey,
    you are too cute all pregnant. Cant wait to see you at the shower.
