Thursday, April 30, 2009

She's Here!!!

Allie Marie arrived on April 27th at 11:28 pm. She weighed 6 lbs. 5oz. and was 18.5 inches long (a far cry from the 8 lbs. plus the doctor said she was going to weigh!!!)
It was my first baby so I didn't know what to expect, but I never expected my labor to go the way it did!! I was having mild contractions all day on Monday so by Monday night Jason and I decided to go to the hospital around 7:00 pm. I was admitted but I told them I didn't know if I was in labor. They hooked me up to the monitor and watched my contractions for about 1 hour. I was dilated to a 3 when I arrived and when they checked me after an hour I was still only dilated to a 3. The decision was made to send me home and come back when my contractions were stronger and occurred every 5 minutes for at least 1 hour.(We only live a few blocks from the hospital.) Sooo...we got home around 9 pm and I watched TV until about 10. And so the story begins....once again I didn't know what to except and what "these" labor pain/contractions were going to feel like!! But I knew when I jumped off the couch in pain around 10 pm that they were here!! I tried to distract myself and keep time of the contractions but I knew this was the real thing. I almost stayed at home too long (but they told come back after I had contractions for at least 1 hour). We arrived at the hospital around 11pm and I was hunched over walking into the hospital. They rushed me into a room.....I was demanding drugs!!.....They were trying to find a doctor....They had to check me first.....It was too late for drugs...I was already at a 9!!!!! I could have pushed right then and there, however I was told by all 9 nurses..poor Jason got shoved to the back of the bed...that I had to wait on a doctor. My doctor finally arrived at 11:27..Allie was born at 11:28!!!

I couldn't have asked for a more perfect, beautiful baby girl!! She is so tiny but loved by so many!! It was definitely worth it and one of the greatest experiences I will ever have!! Nothing is more rewarding than having your baby put into your arms. We survived our first night at home last night realizing that you really can survive with only 2 or 3 hours of sleep!!!
First family picture!!
Proud Grandparents

Miss Allie Marie